StopTech PosiQuiet CERAMIC Brake Pads FRONT Ford Focus ST 2013-2017

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StopTech PosiQuiet CERAMIC Brake Pads FRONT Ford Focus ST 2013-2018

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stt 105.16450

StopTech Posi Quiet Ceramic Brake Pads are one of the most popular brake pad options for the Focus ST. They feature long life with low wear, as well as extremely low dust output. This will save you having to constantly clean dust off your Focus ST's wheels. The StopTech Posi Quiet Brake Pads also feature a very wide performance window maintainging stability across a large temperature range. 

These pads are a great option for the Focus ST that is used as a daily driver. While being able to hold their own in a good canyon run, they are going to be most comfortable and long lasting as a daily use pad.

If you are looking for brake pads for your Focus ST, make sure you give these StopTech Posi Quiet Brake pads a look!


Posi Quiet® Ceramic Brake Pads

  • Longest wearing, most advanced material available

  • Lowest dust

  • Stable friction performance across wide temperature range

StopTech Limited Warranty

1 Review

  • 3
    Decent braking power for the price

    Posted by Unknown on May 24th 2018

    I was honestly expecting slightly better performance out of these. Was expecting closer to stock performance but after installation and breaking the pads in I noticed that the performance was not close to stock at all. Braking power is definitely decreased. Not a big issue if your car is a daily and you don't track it like mine but would not recommend these for anything other than normal driving.